Tuesday 2 May 2017

Monday Club

This week at the Monday Club the group had a visit from Eddie McGaw.

Eddie brought in some film recordings of the work he and volunteers do for a village in Africa. It was quite an emotional talk seeing how very little the villagers have and how so grateful they are to Eddie and the crew, simple things we take for granted make a massive impact on their lives.
The village is situated next to a dump which provides some resources that other folk discard, even licking cake deposits from old paper bags thrown away by a bakery.

Eddie showed the group just how unselfish they are, thinking of others before thinking of themselves - quite humbling! Eddie's next visit to Africa is October this year.  There is a group of 10 going to Africa and each and every one will use the flight allowance to the full taking very little for themselves.

This was a very thought provoking session!  There are so many things we just throw away or just have stashed in our cupboards never seeing the light of day, even a pencil for school with a rubber on top light up a child's face.

 Pam came during the second half on the morning once again to lift our spirits with her chair exercises and put a smile on our faces. 

At our next meeting on Monday 15th May we will be visited by Elinor Fenton from the Creedbridge Mill Pharmacy and Pam with gentle exercise.

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