The second phase of
consultation on the Draft Strategic Plan which includes the Draft Locality Plans
begins on the 19th October and runs to the 11th December.
Share your views and help
shape health and social care and support in Dumfries and Galloway.
Dumfries and Galloway’s Draft Strategic
Plan for Health and Social Care Integration makes
the case for change, identifies key challenges and sets out how we plan to
address these. The plan is supported by a series of documents: four Locality
Plans; Strategic Needs Assessment; Financial Plan; Market Facilitation Plan and
Performance Management Framework.
The Draft
Strategic Plan has been developed by listening to local people, people who use
health and social care services, families and Carers, partner organisations and
staff. In developing the Draft Plan we have
considered all of the comments received in the first round of consultation (from
22 June to 28 August) and made changes to reflect these. The Draft Plan now includes the annexes and
the “we will” commitment statements that will support achievement of the nine
national outcomes for health and wellbeing.
There are
questions at the back of both the strategic plan and the locality plans that we
would ask you to consider.
By returning
your responses to these questions using the details below and by sharing with
us your thoughts, views and comments, together
we can shape health and social care for the future.
Or you can
request a copy at: 01387 272749